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Life Goals

As we near the end of a year, many people are starting to consider their New Year’s resolutions; the vow to make a change, to be and/or do better. In the past, rather than make a resolution, I gave myself a challenge. One year it was to go without sweets. I made it six months before going on vacation, when I splurged “just this once,” and it was over. Another time I challenged myself not to buy anything new for myself. Given that I hate shopping, that one was actually pretty easy.

This year, however, I’ve been working on a list of who I want to be. How do I treat others and myself? What are my priorities? Over the past ten years or so, I’ve become more introspective. Moving past early adulthood and into true adulthood, nearing middle age, I have been asking myself, “Who am I? Who do I want to be?” Maybe I’m a decade or two late, as young people often go through this period of “finding themselves” upon leaving the nest. Presumably I’ve been “finding myself” very slowly for a long time, gradually becoming the person I am today based on my experiences, the people I meet, the places I see.

This is my list as it stands currently, though I expect and hope that it will grow and evolve as I do. What are your life goals?

  • Consider every interaction an opportunity to encourage, empower and inspire.

  • Prioritize being and feeling healthy over a number on the scale or tape measurer.

  • Dance every day.

  • Search for beauty in the world. Allow yourself time to appreciate it.

  • Never assume. Seek out facts.

  • Take the time to truly see others.

  • Set realistic expectations for yourself and others.

  • Let your first response be compassion.

  • Question everything. Learn and grow every day.

  • Show yourself compassion and kindness.

  • Protect yourself from the things, people and activities that could be harmful. You are affected by what you see, hear, and experience.

  • Be proud of who you are.

  • Choose what is right over what is comfortable or easy.

  • Practice active listening; strive to continuously improve.



© 2015 by Laura Griest

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