I'm a lifelong learner who finds joy and connection through nature and animals. I strive to live intentionally, to find beauty around me and to be a compassionate human.
Laura Griest
Life. It goes by in a blur. Each day filled with a long list of obligations, the urgent, the expected and sometimes un. With maybe a minute or two of "me" time. In a country of excess, time is one of the few things not found in abundance.
I'm now in a blessed phase of life where I actually have this glorious thing called time. Time to explore, evaluate, create and dream. I'm convinced that we can lead simpler, more meaningful and healthy lives, but it's so contrary to what's familiar and what the world conveys as normal. So I've begun a quest to live intentionally. To be more thoughtful in how I spend my days and what goes into and onto my body and through my mind. Sankalpa is Sanskrit for "intention," and it is my hope that as this blog follows my journey of intentional living, that others will also find meaning.